Summerschool 2023 Breast Imaging with Dr. László Tabár: A webinar-based, interactive, unique learning experience (Veranstaltungstage: 17.07.23, 19.07.23, 21.07.23)



School of Radiology (SOR)

Wissenschaftliche Leitung:
Prof. Matthias Dietzel, Prof. Pascal Baltzer

Anmeldung / Organisation

School of Radiology (SOR)
Ottostraße 17
96047 Bamberg

Kontakt: Antje Schaarschmidt
Telefon: 49 157 58741925


pro Tag 3 CME-Punkte Kategorie A


Mammadiagnostik, Physik und Technik, Management/Qualitätsmanagement, Kontrastmittel, MRT, CT, Radiographie, PET, Sonographie, Hybridbildgebung (PET-MR, PET-CT)
Fachärzt:innen, Ärzt:innen in Weiterbildung (AiW), Studierende, MTR, Andere, Ingenieur:in / Naturwiss.
max. 500 Personen
Weitere Infos
Want to learn more about our Summer School?
Watch here the full trailer of Doctor László Tabár!

Here you will:
• Learn the concept of the course
• Understand the objectives of each session
• Grasp the passion of Doctor Tabar´s which drives his unparalleled breast imaging teaching.

Dear colleagues,

With 750 registrants from 75 countries around the globe our spring “Mammography Symposium” with László Tabár was a huge success.

We are more than happy to announce that our friend LÁSZLÓ TABÁR agreed to join us again!

Doctor Tabár will hold a Summer School specifically designed to improve your skills in reading and interpreting breast images.

This interactive webinar-based course, presented by THE authority in the field of breast imaging, will provide you a unique learning experience.

In our Summer school you will receive extensive knowledge about breast imaging, differential diagnosis of breast diseases, and their implications for patient management

Please check also our flyer and watch out for the trailer video.

See you soon!

Pascal Baltzer and Matthias Dietzel
(Prof. Dr. Pascal Baltzer and Prof. Dr. Matthias Dietzel - directors of the School of Radiology – hosts of the Summer School)

1 MIX OF IMPULSE LECTURE AND INTERACTIVE CASE READING SESSION: Lectures on each major subject will be mixed with interactive sessions. These consist of questions relevant to the subject and a mixture of normal and early cancer cases presented as they appear on a viewing station.
2 USING INTERACTIVE ONLINE POLLS, YOUR PERSONAL LEARNING PROGRESS WILL BE EVIDENT. This course design gives immediate feedback demonstrating the effectiveness of our teaching methods.
3 During the course you will PROGRESSIVELY IMPROVE YOUR SKILLS in reading and interpreting breast images.
4 You will learn the full spectrum of normal breast images, with all important findings explained with the help of 3-dimensional histology images.
5 Our course AIMS AT HELPING YOU TO REDUCE UNNECESSARY CALL-BACKS and increase your confidence in reading mammograms.
6 You will receive IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK and HISTOLOGIC CONFIRMATION using large format histology.
7 The MULTIMODALITY APPROACH will be emphasized throughout the course.
8 Special emphasis will be placed on finding EARLY PHASE BREAST CANCERS.

1 Three evening sessions, 2.5 hours each
2 Video will be shared with you after the course by Doctor Tabar (optional)
3 9 CME credits (applied, 3 per session)
4 Engaging and motivating learning atmosphere
5 Latest e-learning technology including HD-streaming and online live polls.
6 Real time interaction with your tutors and peers
7 The multimodality approach will be emphasized throughout the course.
8 Special emphasis will be placed on finding early phase breast cancers.

This course provides extensive knowledge about diagnostic breastimaging. Key objectives are to …
1 Improve skills in reading and interpreting breast images
2 Identify normal examinations
3 Understand typical patterns of malignant findings
4 Practice efficient and effective reporting techniques
5 Use multimodal breast imaging in a rational way
6 Apply differential diagnosis of breast diseases
7 Approach Implications for patient management

1 Our course aims at all professionals involved in breast cancer care such as:
Radiologists, Surgeons, Pathologists, Gynecologists, and Radiology Technologists

2 Our course is designed for all levels of expertise in breast imaging:
Ranging from Level 1 (beginners), 2 (Intermediate), 3 (advanced), and 4 (experts).

49 157 58741925

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Summer School 2023 (3 Abende, gesamter Kurs)


2 Tages Ticket


1 Tages Ticket


ÄrztIn in Weiterbildung (ÄiW)

- 30 %

Buchung von min. 2 unterschiedlichen Kursen aus unserem Angebot (kombinierbar mit ÄiW-Rabatt)

- 20 %

Alle genannten Preise in Euro, sofern nicht anders angegeben.