Summerschool 2024 Breast Imaging with Dr. László Tabár: A webinar-based, interactive, unique learning experience
JuniVeranstalter (GbR)
School of Radiology
Wissenschaftliche Leitung:
Prof. Dr. Pascal Baltzer, Prof. Dr. Matthias Dietzel, MHBA
Anmeldung / Organisation (GbR)
School of Radiology
Ottostraße 17
96047 Bamberg
Kontakt: Antje Schaarschmidt
Telefon: 49 157 58741925
Qualitätssicherung durch die Akademie für Fort- und Weiterbildung in der Radiologie
- Thema
- Mammadiagnostik, Physik und Technik, Onkologische Bildgebung, Management/Qualitätsmanagement, MRT, Radiographie, Sonographie
- Zielgruppe
- Fachärzt:innen, Ärzt:innen in Weiterbildung (AiW), Studierende, MTR, Andere, Ingenieur:in / Naturwiss.
- Teilnehmer
- max. 100 Personen
- Weitere Infos
- Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,
with 70 participants from over 20 countries worldwide, the second edition of our Summer School in July 2023 was a great success. Read and view the feedback from enthusiastic attendees here:
We’re privileged to have László Tabár join us again as the keynote speaker for our third Summer School series.
Across three evenings, you’ll enjoy his famous blend of didactic lectures and interactive case discussions.
During our Summer School you will grasp all essential information, gain expert firsthand advice, and train your skills on cases from László’s famous multimodal cases collection.
These insights and firsthand tips will not only be enlightening, but also be instrumental in enhancing your clinical skills.
Check below for the detailed programme and do not miss the trailer!
See you soon!
Pascal Baltzer and Matthias Dietzel
(Prof. Dr. Pascal Baltzer and Prof. Dr. Matthias Dietzel - directors of the School of Radiology – hosts of the Summer School)
Want to learn more about our Summer School?
Watch here the full trailer of Doctor László Tabár!
Here you will:
• Learn the concept of the course
• Understand the objectives of each session
• Grasp the passion of Doctor Tabar´s which drives his unparalleled breast imaging teaching.
1 Three evening sessions, 3 hours each
2 Videos will be shared with you after the course
3 9 CME credits (applied, 3 per session)
4 Engaging and motivating learning atmosphere
5 Latest e-learning technology including HD-streaming and online live polls
6 Real time interaction with your tutors and peers
1 Mix of impulse lectures and interactive case reading sessions.
2 You will progressively improve your skills in reading and interpreting mammograms.
3 Using interactive online polls, your personal learning progress will be evident.
4 You will increase your confidence in reading mammograms.
5 The multimodality approach will be emphasized throughout the course.
6 You will receive immediate feedback and histologic confirmation using large format histology.
This course provides extensive knowledge about diagnostic breast imaging. Our key objectives are to …
1 Provide an overview of the frequency and fatality rate of different breast cancer subtypes according to their site of origin.
2 Practice detection of difficult to perceive non-calcified architectural distortions.
3 Demonstrate the multimodality approach to detection and workup of diffuse breast cancer cases.
4 Present the less know string of pearl-like calcifications, the underlying pathophysiology and clinical relevance.
5 Realize the importance of detecting noncalcified architectural distortion on the mammogram.
6 Interpret diffuse breast cancer subtypes, those originating in the major lactiferous ducts and those originating in the hybrid cells of the mesenchyme.
7 Understand the large format thin and thick section histology images of the string of pearl-like calcifications.
1 Our course aims at all professionals involved in breast cancer care such as:
Radiologists, Surgeons, Pathologists, Gynecologists, and Radiology Technologists
2 Our course is designed for all levels of expertise in breast imaging:
Ranging from Level 1 (beginners), 2 (Intermediate), 3 (advanced), and 4 (experts).
49 157 58741925
© (GbR)
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